Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl recap

Well I was off on my prediction, but what a good game. Right down to the final seconds, the Steelers earned the victory, but the Cards made them work hard for it.
However the commercials were lame with a few exceptions, The Diet Pepsi tough guy ad was probably the best in my opinion, but for the most part they were well below the standards of previous Super Bowls, maybe due to the economic downturn or maybe the hype over the commercials themselves.
In the long run the commercials actually take too much away from the game, as does the over hyped halftime shows. I wanted to enjoy Bruce Springstein, but it wasn't that great of a show, I would just as soon see a regular half time with a marching band, but I guess I'm more of a traditionalist in that regard.
The NFL is always guilty of promoting the event over the game, but the game itself is so much better than the ads or the halftime shows, and the past several Super Bowls have lived up to or exceeded expectations.
Now when do the Stanley Cup playoff s start?


1 comment:

Parks said...

I didn't watch the game, but I wish I would have...well, the football're right on about the hype. I wish it was more like the first Super Bowls, without all the fan-fare and such.