Why do grandparents love their grandchildren so much?

I think the primary reason is that when you are a parent, your own children grow so fast, and even though you may not realize it, you don't make enough time for them. Then they are grown and moved on with their lives, (except for Josh, but he is handy to have around) and you know then that a main part of your life is missing.
I don't dwell on the mis-steps I made as a parent, but I wish I had made more time for my own kids while they were young. Playing softball a couple days a week, or playing in the band every weekend sure seemed like fun at the time, but I now think about how selfish I was then. If I had cut back on some of those activities, and spent more time with the family, it would have been time better spent.
We have to work to provide for our families, and that takes a lot of time away, but we can try and do more as a family when we have a chance, but we don't always do that. We always seem to think there will be plenty of time for family oriented activities, but we don't make enough time for the family, and now as grandparents we try and recapture that time through our grandchildren.
Now that I have more time to reflect, I want to be a bigger part of their lives, and the lives of their children, my grandchildren.
Grandchildren go through similar phases as their parents, and the things I missed while I was off having fun with my friends, I can experience through the grandchildren.
Plus, they're